Subcutaneous Emphysema Associated with Pneumomediastinum and Complicated Pneumopericardium in a 14-Month-Old Infant

K. Sacko,B. Maiga, G. Dembelé, P. Togo, Y. Coulibaly, A. Dembélé, F. Traoré, H. Ba, A. Touré,K. Traoré, N. L. Sidibé,F. L. Diakité, A. Sangaré,O. Coulibaly, H. Konaré, I. Ahamadou, Y. A. Coulibaly, M. E. Cissé, S. Sagara, D. Konaté, A. K. Doumbia, M. Kanta, H. Diall,L. Maiga,R. Fané, A. Cissouma, N. L. Traoré, M. Niakaté, A. A. Diakité

Open Journal of Pediatrics(2021)

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Pneumomediastinum\r\nis sometimes observed in adult patients but its occurrence in pediatric\r\npatients (especially infants) is very rare. We here report a 14-month-old male\r\ninfant who had subcutaneous emphysema, pneumomediastinum, and importantly,\r\npneumopericardium. He had no particular past histories.\r\nHe abruptly had cough, fever, and eruption on the abdomen. Computed\r\ntomography and echocardiography revealed pneumomediastinum and pneumopericardium. Antibiotics, rest, and\r\nsupportive therapy ameliorated the condition. We must be aware that\r\npneumomediastinum, and importantly pneumopericardium, can be present in a\r\npediatric patient with subcutaneous emphysema. The infant’s symptoms disappeared under strict monitoring of\r\nrespiratory status, nasal oxygen therapy and antibiotic therapy.
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