Does Surgeon Gender Matter For Aesthetic Patients?

Ellen A Hancock,Kevin J Hancock, Nandhika Wijay, Danielle Andry


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Background: Plastic surgery patients have expectations for an ideal practice to visit. However, patients' preferences regarding their plastic surgeon are still being described.Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate if elective cosmetic plastic surgery patients exhibit gender preference in their plastic surgeon when making online inquiries.Methods: A retrospective, single-practice review of all online inquiries for elective plastic surgery and nonsurgical injectable treatment from June 2019 to June 2020 was performed. The study was based on a private practice located in Houston, TX. The practice surgeons were a married couple, 1 female and 1 male, with identical training, age, and post-residency experience. Patients submitted an online inquiry for their procedure of interest and surgeon preference via the practice website.Results: The private practice received 873 online inquiries during the year-long study period. The majority of patients were female, 855 (97.9%), and the remaining 18 (2.1%) were male. Of the female patients, 476 (55.7%) preferred a female surgeon and 138 (16.1%) preferred a male surgeon; 241 (28.2%) female patients expressed no surgeon preference. Regardless of surgeon preference, the majority of procedures inquired about were breast and body contouring.Conclusions: This cohort of female patients prefers the female surgeon for breast procedures or multiple procedures involving the breast, and the male surgeon for injectable procedures and facial procedures. There is no preference for the male or female surgeon for body procedures. Female plastic surgery patients may be influenced by surgeon gender in choosing their surgeon, depending on their surgery of interest.
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