TermInteract: An Online Tool for Terminologists Aimed at Providing Terminology Quality Metrics

Pedro Hernández-Vegas, Lucia Guasp,Mariano Rico

2020 6th IEEE Congress on Information Science and Technology (CiSt)(2021)

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This position paper describes the results of our meetings with terminologists aimed at capturing missing functionalities concerning term extraction. These experts lack an online tool to allow them the evaluation, modification and creation of terminologies from corpora in different languages. The result is an open-access online website where terminologists can extract automatically terminologies and can upload terminologies created by third parties. The tool also allows them to polish collaboratively the terminologies. Additionally, this tool provides a quality metrics based on the changes made to the terminology, as well as a way to compare two terminologies for the same corpus but created with different methods. We have tested the tool with terminologies in English and Spanish, with corpora from several domains: bio (covid19), legal and scientific papers. Our preliminary results point out the utility of this tool for terminologists.
terminologies,pattern-based part of speech,neural networks,corpora
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