Impact de l’hystérectomie sur l’incontinence urinaire : revue de la littérature

L. Harendarczyk,Claire Cardaillac,E. Vaucel, Y. Joueidi, P. Gueudry, V. Dochez,Thibault Thubert

Progres En Urologie(2020)

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INTRODUCTION The impact of a hysterectomy on urinary incontinence is a controversial subject in the literature. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the prevalence and incidence of urinary incontinence after a hysterectomy as well as associated risk factors such as the type of hysterectomy, the surgical approach, urodynamic criteria and uterine disease. STUDY DESIGN We conducted a systematic review in Pubmed database with the following keywords and MeSH term: hysterectomy, urinary incontinence. RESULTS A total of 1340 articles were retrieved, 42 articles were selected for the final text analysis. The results of the different studies were heterogeneous. Hysterectomy seemed to increase the rate of sphincter deficiency (VLPP<60mmH2O for 20% of cases versus 1,7% without hysterectomy, P=0.003). The vaginal route could increase the incidence of UI with OR of 2.3 (95%CI 1.0-5.2). Subtotal hysterectomy appears to increase UI with a 0,74 RR for total hysterectomy (95%CI 0.58-0.94). A radical hysterectomy with nerve conservation would preserve urinary functions, unlike pelvic radiotherapy, which is responsible for irreversible nerve damage by demyelination and bladder fibrosis.
Hystérectomie,Chirurgie,Incontinence urinaire,Troubles urinaires du bas appareil
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