Barley Leaf Insoluble Dietary Fiber Alleviated Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Induced Mice Colitis By Modulating Gut Microbiota


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Supplementation of dietary fiber has been proved to be an effective strategy to prevent and relieve inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) through gut microbiota modulation. However, more attention has been paid to the efficacy of soluble dietary fiber than that of insoluble dietary fiber (IDF). In the present study, we investigated whether IDF from barley leaf (BLIDF) can inhibit gut inflammation via modulating the intestinal microbiota in DSS-induced colitis mice. The mice were fed 1.52% BLIDF-supplemented diet for 28 days. Results demonstrated that feeding BLIDF markedly mitigated DSS-induced acute colitis symptoms and down-regulated IL-6, TNF-alpha, and IL-1 beta levels in the colon and serum of colitis mice. BLIDF supplementation effectively reduced the abundance of Akkermansia and increased the abundance of Parasutterella, Erysipelatoclostridium, and Alistipes. Importantly, the anti-colitis effects of BLIDF were abolished when the intestinal microbiota was depleted by antibiotics. Furthermore, the targeted microbiota-derived metabolites analysis suggested that BLIDF feeding can reverse the DSS-induced decline of short-chain fatty acids and secondary bile acids in mice feces. Finally, BLIDF supplementation elevated the expression of occludin and mucin2, and decreased the expression of claudin-1 in colons of DSS-treated mice. Overall, our observations suggest that BLIDF exerts anti-inflammatory effects via modulating the intestinal microbiota composition and increasing the production of microbiota-derived metabolites.
barley leaf, insoluble dietary fiber, gut microbiota, secondary bile acid
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