Water Quality And Management In The Australian Pig Industry

Louise Edwards,Helen Crabb


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Context. Water is the first nutrient and an essential component of all agricultural production systems. Despite its importance there has been limited research on water, and in particular, the impact of its availability, management and quality on production systems.Aims. This research sought to describe the management and quality of water used within the Australian pig industry. Specifically, the water sources utilised, how water was managed and to evaluate water quality at both the source and the point of delivery to the pig.Methods. Fifty-seven commercial piggeries across Australia participated in this study by completing a written survey on water management. In addition, survey participants undertook physical farm parameter measurements including collecting water samples. Each water sample was tested for standard quality parameters including pH, hardness, heavy metals and microbiological status.Key results. Responses were received from 57 farms, estimated to represent at least 22% of 'large' pig herds. Bore water was the most common water source being utilised within the farms surveyed. Management practices and infrastructure delivering water from the source to the point of consumption were found to differ across the farms surveyed. Furthermore, water was regularly used as a delivery mechanism for soluble additives such as antibiotics. The quality of water at the source and point of consumption was found to be highly variable with many parameters, particularly pH, hardness, salinity, iron, manganese and microbiological levels, exceeding the acceptable standard.Conclusions. In general, water quality did not appear to be routinely monitored or managed. As a result, farm managers had poor visibility of the potential negative impacts that inferior water quality or management may be having on pig production and in turn the economics of their business. Indeed, inferior water quality may impact the delivery of antibiotics and in turn undermine the industry's antimicrobial stewardship efforts.Implications. The study findings suggest that water quality represents a significant challenge to the Australian pig industry. Access to drinking water of an acceptable quality is essential for optimal pig performance, health and welfare but also to ensure farm to fork supply chain integrity, traceability and food safety.
animal production, antimicrobial stewardship, nutrition, pigs, water quality
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