Humans Inside: Cooperative Big Multimedia Data Mining


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Deep learning techniques such as convolutional neural networks, autoencoders, and deep belief networks require a big amount of training data to achieve an optimal performance. Multimedia resources available on social media represent a wealth of data to satisfy this need. However, a prohibitive amount of effort is required to acquire and label such data and to process them. In this book chapter, we offer a threefold approach to tackle these issues: (1) we introduce a complex network analyser system for large-scale big data collection from online social media platforms, (2) we show the suitability of intelligent crowdsourcing and active learning approaches for effective labelling of large-scale data, and (3) we apply machine learning algorithms for extracting and learning meaningful representations from the collected data. From YouTube—the world’s largest video sharing website we have collected three databases containing a total number of 25 classes for which we have iterated thousands videos from a range of acoustic environments and human speech and vocalisation types. We show that, using the unique combination of our big data extraction and annotation systems with machine learning techniques, it is possible to create new real-world databases from social multimedia in a short amount of time.
Big data,Deep belief network,Deep learning,Active learning,Crowdsourcing,Convolutional neural network,Complex network,Social media,Multimedia,Computer science,Artificial intelligence
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