Presence of microorganisms in children with pharyngotonsillitis and healthy controls: a prospective study in primary healthcare


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Purpose Most studies on paediatric pharyngotonsillitis focus on group A streptococci. This study, however, analyses a broad spectrum of bacteria and viruses related to paediatric pharyngotonsillitis and evaluates their associated clinical symptoms and courses. Methods This observational prospective study in primary healthcare includes 77 children aged < 15 with a sore throat and 34 asymptomatic children, all of whom were sampled from the tonsils with an E-swab ® for analysis with culture and PCR for 14 bacteria and 15 viruses. Patients were evaluated clinically, and their symptoms recorded in diaries for 10 days. Participants were followed up for 3 months by reviewing medical records. Results A pathogen was detected in 86% of patients and in 71% of controls ( P = 0.06). Bacteria were found in 69% of patients and 59% of controls ( P = 0.3), and viruses in 36% and 26%, respectively ( P = 0.3). Group A streptococci was the most common finding, with a prevalence of 49% and 32%, respectively ( P = 0.1). Clinical signs were not useful for distinguishing pathogens. None of the controls and 16% of the patients reconsulted for a sore throat within 3 months. Conclusion Bacteria were more common than viruses in both study groups. The high rate of pathogens in asymptomatic children interferes with diagnoses based on aetiology.
Pharyngotonsillitis, Aetiology, Children, Primary healthcare, PCR, Prospective
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