Short-Term Aerial Pollutant Concentrations In A Southwestern China Pig-Fattening House


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Concentrations of critical aerial pollutants within animal farms are important to the health of animals and farm staff and can be reduced via manure management, ventilation control, and barn design. This study characterized measurements of ammonia (NH3), total suspended particle (TSP), and airborne microbial communities of a large-scale pig-fattening house, as well as their correlations with environmental variables in Southwestern China. Monitoring was conducted for 15 consecutive days during both August and January, at various locations inside the pig house. The concentrations of NH3 and TSP averaged 3.22 and 0.55 mg m(-3), respectively, while the average number of airborne microbial colonies was 3.91 log cfu m(-3). The aerial pollutant concentrations displayed significant seasonal differences (p < 0.05). Specifically, concentrations in winter were significantly higher than those in summer (p < 0.05), and the 07:00 measurements were the highest among the three measurement times. The concentrations were significantly correlated with indoor temperature and relative humidity. In summer, TSP concentration was negatively correlated with temperature (correlation coefficient = -0.732), while NH3 concentration was positively correlated with temperature (correlation coefficient = 0.58). In winter, TSP and NH3 concentrations were negatively correlated with relative humidity (correlation coefficients = -0.739 and -0.713, respectively), while the airborne microbial colonies were not correlated with either humidity or temperature in summer or winter. These findings confirm that the aerial pollutant concentrations in a Southwestern China pig-fattening house exhibited significant seasonal and diurnal variations. Air quality can be improved by more precise ventilation control as observed by the correlation of concentrations with ventilation control, indoor temperature, and humidity.
airborne microbial colony, ammonia, indoor temperature, total suspended particles, ventilation
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