Treatment decision-making needs among emerging adults with early psychosis


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Aim Many emerging adults disengage from early intervention in psychosis (EIP) services prematurely. Service disengagement may be in part due to having unresolved treatment decision-making needs about use of mental health services. A basic understanding of the decision-making needs of this population is lacking. The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify the range of treatment decisions that emerging adults face during their initial engagement in an EIP program and elucidate barriers and facilitators to decision-making. Methods Twenty emerging adults with early psychosis were administered semistructured interviews to capture treatment decision-making experiences during the first six months after enrolment in an EIP program. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Responses were independently coded by two authors using an integrated thematic analysis approach; differences in coding were discussed to consensus. Data analysis was facilitated using NVivo 12 Plus. Results Emerging adults identified numerous decisions faced after EIP enrolment. Decisions pertaining to life and treatment goals and to starting and continuing psychiatric medication were commonly selected as the most difficult/complicated. Decision-making barriers included not having the right amount or type of information/knowledge, social factors (e.g., lacking social support, opposition/pressure), lacking internal resources (e.g., cognitive and communication skills, self-efficacy, motivation) and unappealing options. Obtaining information/knowledge, social supports (e.g., connection/trust, learning from others' experiences, encouragement), considering personal values, and time were decision-making facilitators. Conclusions This study informs development and optimization of interventions to support decision-making among emerging adults with early psychosis, which may promote service engagement.
coordinated specialty care, decision support, first&#8208, episode psychosis, service engagement, shared decision&#8208, making
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