Optimal Blood Pressure Levels In Different Phases Of Peripheral Thrombolysis Period In Acute Ischemic Stroke


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Background: Dramatic changes of blood pressure (BP) were observed in the peripheral thrombolysis period, however, there is no consensus about BP control targets in the different phases. Methods: We retrospectively studied a consecutive sample of 510 patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis and followed-up for 3 months. The peripheral thrombolysis period was divided into these phases: Phase 1 (from onset to thrombolysis), Phase 2 (thrombolysis), Phase 3 (from thrombolysis to 24 h after thrombolysis), and Phase 4 (from 24 h to 7 days after thrombolysis). Patients were divided into quintiles according to mean blood pressure in these phases, respectively. Neurological improvement was evaluated using the modified Rankin Scale score at 3-month after thrombolysis. Results: Lower risk of intracerebral hemorrhage within 7 days was found in lower quintiles of SBP (OR = 0.100, 95% CI 0.011-0.887, P = 0.039 in Phase 1 quintile Q1, OR = 0.110, 95% CI 0.012-0.974, P = 0.047 in Phase 2-3 quintile Q1, and OR, 0.175, 95% CI, 0.035-0.872; P = 0.033 in Phase 4 quintile Q2, respectively). Better neurological improvement was found in SBP quintiles: Q2-Q4 (127.3-155.7 mmHg) in Phase 4 (OR = 3.095, 95% CI 1.524-6.286, P = 0.002 for Q2; OR = 2.697, 95% CI 1.354-5.370, P = 0.005 for Q3; and OR = 2.491, 95% CI 1.263-4.913, P = 0.008 for Q4, respectively). Our results also showed higher average real variability of SBP was negatively associated with better neurological outcome in Phase 1 and Phase 2-3. Conclusions: Maintaining SBP levels (<= 148 mmHg) from admission to the first 24 h after thrombolysis, then keeping SBP levels (127-138 mmHg) would be beneficial.
acute ischemic stroke, blood pressure, intracerebral hemorrhage, neurological improvement, prognosis, thrombolysis
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