Early serious illness communication in hospitalized patients: A study of the implementation of the Speaking About Goals and Expectations (SAGE) program.

Healthcare (Amsterdam, Netherlands)(2021)

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BACKGROUND:Early conversations about patients' goals and values in advancing serious illness (serious illness conversations) can drive better healthcare. However, these conversations frequently happen during acute illness, often near death, without time to realize benefits of early communication. METHODS:The Speaking About Goals and Expectations (SAGE) Program, adapted from the Serious Illness Care Program, is a multicomponent intervention designed to foster earlier and more comprehensive serious illness conversations for patients admitted to the hospital. We present a quality improvement study of the SAGE Program assessing older adults admitted to a general medicine service at the Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Our primary outcomes included the proportion of patients with at least one documented conversation, the timing between first conversation documented and death, the quality of conversations, and their interprofessional nature. Secondary outcomes assessed evaluations of the training and hospital utilization. RESULTS:We trained 37 clinicians and studied 133 patients split between the SAGE intervention and a comparison population. Intervention patients were more likely to have documented serious illness conversations (89.1% vs. 26.1%, p < 0.001); these conversations occurred earlier (mean of 598.9 vs. 180.8 days before death, p < 0.001) and included more key elements of conversation (mean of 6.56 vs. 1.78, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS:This study demonstrated significant differences in the frequency and quality of serious illness conversations completed earlier in the illness course for hospitalized patients. IMPLICATIONS:Programs designed to drive serious illness conversations earlier in the hospital may be an effective way to improve care for patients not reached in the ambulatory setting. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE:Prospectively designed trial, non-randomized sample.
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