Historical and Generational Forces and Gender Differences in the Iridescent Life Course of Transgender Older Adults

Charles Emlet, Karen Fredriksen Goldsen, Vanessa Fabbre,Hailey Jung,Hyun Kim

Innovation in Aging(2020)

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Abstract Shifting historical, political, and social times have impacted transgender older adults in experiences and development. Examining how gender identities interact with life events within a historical context elucidates differences by generations and gender. Using a transgender subsample (n=205) from the National Health, Aging, and Sexuality/Gender Study (N=2,450), (logistic) weighted regressions with sociodemographic adjustment were performed to examine generational differences and gender interaction in key life experiences in identity, work, kin, bias, community, and health/well-being. Silenced (born 1935-1949, 18%), than Pride (1950-1964, 79%), Generation disclosed identity later, is less visible, more likely retired and veteran, more likely for lifetime opposite-sex marriage and divorce. Significant gender interactions exist in community engagement, kin relationships, and physical health. Despite small sample size, Invisible Generation (1914-1934, 3%) has unique differences. Findings show complexity of generational differences among transgender older adults, understanding of what helps better serve them as they age with their accumulated life experiences.
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