Impact environmental in the electric next nets to the coast manabita

Washington C. Castillo Jurado, Maria Rodriguez Gamez, Olga S. Suarez,Antonio Vazquez Perez


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The coastal area manabita and their suburbs, it is one of the most beautiful regions in the county, with a tourist extraordinary attractiveness that has not still been exploited in all their dimension. In her beaches like the Bat are located, Crucita, San Hyacinth among other that are frequented by national and international tourists that arrive looking for tranquility during the whole year. In the work the influence of the industrial process of the coffee is analyzed, of the fish and of the production of oil that you/they represent an important weight in the generation of great quantity of pollutants of the air that combined with the effects of the marine aerosol, the emissions of loamy powder taken place by the quarries resided in the area that I lower the effects of the wind provoke a deposition of layers pollutants in the elements that compose the electric infrastructure, provoking a high contamination of the nets and the isolations, propitiating that during the season of rains, the elements behaves as drivers, resulting in that affectations of the service take place in the territory, mainly during the winter. This is carried out a brief evaluation on the derived consequences of the environmental contamination on the system of lines, nets and electric insulators and what can represent for the project proposed by the state to introduce the efficient program of cooking (PEC).
electric nets,transmission and distribution,substation,maintenance,environmental impact
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