L-Ascorbic Acid in the Epigenetic Regulation of Cancer Development and Stem Cell Reprogramming.

Acta naturae(2020)

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Recent studies have significantly expanded our understanding of the mechanisms of L-ascorbic acid (ASC, vitamin C) action, leading to the emergence of several hypotheses that validate the possibility of using ASC in clinical practice. ASC may be considered an epigenetic drug capable of reducing aberrant DNA and histone hypermethylation, which could be helpful in the treatment of some cancers and neurodegenerative diseases. The clinical potency of ASC is also associated with regenerative medicine; in particular with the production of iPSCs. The effect of ASC on somatic cell reprogramming is most convincingly explained by a combined enhancement of the activity of the enzymes involved in the active demethylation of DNA and histones. This review describes how ASC can affect the epigenetic status of a cell and how it can be used in anticancer therapy and stem cell reprogramming.
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