Autoimmune Hypophysitis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


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Lead is not known to serve any significant biological function and deposition does not spare any organ in the body [1]. It has high affinity for the skeleton and chronic exposure often sequesters large proportion in the bones followed by the kidneys [4]. After a period of initial exposure lead is redistributed to the soft tissues. If cessation of exposure occurs at this juncture, there is a decrease in the blood lead levels post the initial rise [5]. Bone, being a dynamic tissue, undergoes remodelling throughout life which is regulated by a wide range of hormones and local availability factors. Prolonged exposure also results in slow release of lead from the bone stores over a protracted period of time [4]. Children are at high risk of lead poisoning as they are in a state of constant growth and development. Moreover, the growing bones in children undergo perpetual remodelling which allows lead to be regularly reintroduced into the blood stream [6]. Chelation therapy brings down the blood lead levels acutely only to rebound within weeks to months after treatment. Often, repeated courses of chelation are required [5].
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