Adapting Blackboard-Collaborate Ultra as an Interactive Online Learning Tool during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Journal of microscopy and ultrastructure(2020)

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BACKGROUND:The 2019-2020 coronavirus pandemic has affected educational systems worldwide, leading to widespread closures of schools and universities and social distancing. Hence, the shift to an online tool was required. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:The main problem postulated is the lack of student-teacher interaction that occurs with online learning. METHODS:The Blackboard Collaborate Ultra platform was used to deliver lectures on clinical biochemistry and the reproductive module to our students. Our main goal was to achieve students' engagement and interaction. RESULTS:There were 189 male students enrolled in the reproductive module. The attendance rate was 93%-95%. The download of the recording was 100%. The active participation rate was up to 87%. Hence, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra's virtual classrooms are very useful tools for online interactive lecturing. CONCLUSION:Based on this experience gained, we could conclude that interactive virtual classroom lecturing can be used in addition to or instead of traditional lectures during ordinary situations as a successful online learning community tool.
Blackboard-Collaborate Ultra,COVID-19 pandemic,online learning tool
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