Concept for Virtual Safety Training System for Human-Robot Collaboration

Procedia Manufacturing(2020)

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Abstract The emergence of Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) creates the opportunity for operators and robots to work in a shared workspace. Adaptation of such a concept in the field of manufacturing industry aims to increase the flexibility of factory lines and optimize the efficiency of resources. However, employing industrial robots with high speed and enormous forces forms various strains. The major setback is the safety of operators, which demands detailed investigation. Additionally, companies have attempted to create solution-based products to enhance safety in a shared workspace. These solutions require maintaining known-how knowledge regarding usability. Formerly, operators accomplish training for educating themselves upon the assembly process. Training operators lead to diminishing the rate of injury and product cycle time, as well as raising performance and quality. The virtual environment provides a means for operators to experience immersive environments to perceive reality confrontation in a virtual world. Training in these environments empowers operators to recognize safety concerns and instructions. The objective of this study is to propose a concept of virtual safety training in Human-Robot Collaboration.
Human-Robot Collaboration, Virtual Reality, Virtual Environment, Human Safety
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