Experimental autoimmune prostatitis: different antigens induction and antigen-specific therapy


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Purpose Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) has uncertain etiology and lacks effective treatment. Autoimmunity is an important pathogeny, and experimental autoimmune prostatitis (EAP) models have long been used for studying CP/CPPS. This review presents the detailed current knowledge of EAP models based on evaluation criteria aspects to provide a tool for model selection in pathogenesis studies and therapeutic drug screening. Methods We extensively searched the published literature on CP/CPPS and different antigen-induced EAP models focusing on the histopathology, clinical-related phenotypes, and biochemical indicators. We also cover the changes in the prostate function and other organs in EAP. Finally, we try to get some insights about antigen-based therapeutic approaches for CP/CPPS. Results Several inciting autoantigens were reported in EAP, including male accessory gland extracts, prostate extracts (PE), prostatic steroid-binding protein, prostatic spermine-binding protein (p25), prostatic acid phosphatase, seminal vesicle secretory protein 2, and T2 peptide. All of these models mimicked histological prostatitis, however only p25- and T2-induced models developed both pelvic pain and voiding behaviors. PE immunization is the most widely used method. Diminished fertility and mental health disorders can be found in PE model. Oral and intravenous T2 peptide have been studied for antigen-specific therapy and achieved preliminary progress in EAP models. Conclusions PE-induced model is the most commonly used, while T2- or p25-model could serve as a promising CP/CPPS model. Antigen-specific therapy in CP/CPPS deserves further study.
Chronic prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, Experimental autoimmune prostatitis, Autoantigens, Histopathology, Animal model
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