Traditional resources and use of aromatic and ethno-medicinal plants in Uttarakhand: Compliment of nature

International Journal of Herbal Medicine(2020)

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Medicinal plants are considered as a rich resource of ancient medicines and so many of them are used as a major ingredient of today\u0027s panacea that can be pharmacopoeic, non-pharmacopoeic, or synthetic drugs. They have been used to cure health disorders for the past thousand years. The ubiquitous use of folk remedies and health preparations is outlined in the Vedas and the Bible. Plant safety, quality, and efficacy assurance has now become a major issue in developing and developed countries. Cultural consequence and importance showing great demand for herbal and aromatic plants and following highlight point needed for the immense response in this field like encouraging the cultivation of medicinal plants having large market prospects. Research and evolution need to stand together for improving the manufacturing and efficiency of plants by establishing massive outcome through expanding collaboration between farmers and researchers.
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