Transitioning from adolescence to adulthood for young people living with cerebral palsy: a meta-ethnography


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Transitioning from adolescence to adulthood appears to be a challenging period for young people living with cerebral palsy. The aim of this review was to highlight the challenges that might be experienced during this period. A systematic search of the literature and meta-ethnographic review examined seven qualitative research papers providing a detailed synthesis in the form of three domains summarised as 'meaningful preparation for transition', 'becoming empowered', and, 'overcoming vulnerability'. These inform a discussion which shows that adolescents living with cerebral palsy are not prepared adequately for adult life. Examination of the literature stimulates curiosity as to the nature of living with cerebral palsy whilst transitioning from adolescence to adulthood. No studies have been carried out exploring this experience in the UK and lifeworld research to inform policy and practice in this area is recommended.Points of interest Health professionals are encouraged to become more skilled with informing young people living with cerebral palsy about the adult world. The outcome for young people might be better with greater flexibility in how services are provided. Adolescence to adulthood is a challenging period for young people living with cerebral palsy but there is no evidence exploring this experience in the UK. Greater consultation with young people living with cerebral palsy is necessary in the design of research. Rehabilitation professions such as occupational therapy and physiotherapy could consider human rights and equality issues more.
Cerebral palsy, transition, adolescence, young people, meta-ethnography
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