Automatic coding of environmental distance for walking-related locomotion in the foot-related sensory-motor system: A TMS study on macro-affordances


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We have recently described a facilitation effect for the execution of a walking-related action in response to distant objects/locations in the extrapersonal space. Based on the parallelism with the well-known effect of “micro-affordance”, observed during the execution of functionally appropriate hand-related actions towards manipulable objects, we have referred to this effect in terms of “macro-affordance”. Here we used transcranical magnetic stimulation (TMS) to investigate whether a foot-related region located in the human dorsal precuneate cortex plays a causal role in the generation and maintenance of such behavioral effect. This question was addressed by comparing the magnitude of the facilitation effect during an incidental go/no-go task, i.e. advantage for walking-related actions to pictures framing an environment from a far vs. near distance, during three different TMS conditions. The three TMS conditions were collected in all subjects in a randomized order and included stimulation of: i. a foot-related region in the anterior precuneus, ii. a control region in the middle intraparietal sulcus (mIPS), and iii. a sham condition.
Affordances,Extrapersonal space,Environmental scene,Walking locomotion,Transcranical magnetic stimulation,Sensory-motor system
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