Managing the Data Deluge from the Dark Energy Survey

Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series(2017)

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The Dark Energy Survey comprises observations over 5000 square degrees of the southern hemisphere. Its key science goal is the measurement of the time dependent and time-independent components of the dark energy equation of state using four probes: weak gravitational lensing, galaxy clusters, large-scale structure, and Type Ia supernovae. The 570 Megapixel Dark Energy Camera used for this survey produces several GB of raw data with every image (approximately every 1-2 minutes during observations). The entire DES dataset collected over five years of Survey operation will be of order 1 Petabyte in size. Significant resources have been devoted to the management and analysis of DES data, including the development of numerous hardware and software applications for near-real-time processing. We describe the general process of DES Data Management, along with selected examples of some of the scientifically productive "end-user" tools and resources. These include the "PreCam" Standard Star Catalog intended for DES calibration (and soon to be available to the wider astronomical community), the input catalog for spectroscopic follow-up of DES fields with OzDES, and the DESAlert transient notification system.
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