Culture, personal values, personality, uses of music, and musical taste.

Christopher Andrews, Kate Gardiner, Tushar Kalpeshkumar Jain, Yalda Olomi,Adrian C. North

Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts(2020)

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Recent research has had only limited success in using personality to predict musical taste, and there is very little research on predicting how people use music. The present research investigates whether the Big Five, the Rokeach Values Survey (another intraindividual-level social factor), and the Cultural Values Scale (i.e., an ideological-level social factor) can predict musical taste and also the various uses to which people put music. Personality, personal values, and cultural values predicted liking for 5 of the 7 musical genres and 7 of the 8 uses of music considered, and personal and cultural values could predict variance in these beyond that explained by personality alone. There were also a number of significant associations between specific pairings of music variables and both personal and cultural values that are readily interpretable. Personal and cultural values can contribute to our understanding of musical taste and uses of music.
music, personality, personal values, cultural values
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