Strategies for elimination of rubella in pregnancy and of congenital rubella syndrome in high and upper-middle income countries.

E Terracciano, F Amadori, V Pettinicchio,L Zaratti,E Franco

Journal of preventive medicine and hygiene(2020)

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Rubella infection generally leads to mild symptoms; otherwise, in pregnant women it can cause severe damages. The only way to prevent rubella is vaccine. Before the introduction of the vaccine, up to 4 babies in 1000 live births were born with CRS. This work aims to review the most important strategies for the elimination of CRS in upper and high-income countries. Papers were selected through a PubMed search up to January 2019, using keywords rubella, congenital rubella syndrome and epidemiology. Articles published in the last 12 years and referred to upper income and high-income countries in title or abstract were included. Sixty-five papers were selected dealing with one or more of the following strategies: increasing of rubella vaccination coverage in childbearing age women, males, immigrants; exploitation of all appropriate occasions; improving of rubella surveillance. Despite numerous suggestions and indications for valid strategies to eliminate rubella in pregnancy and congenital rubella syndrome, a practical application is often missing.
Congenital rubella syndrome,Coverage,Rubella,Surveillance,Vaccination
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