Tonsillectomy Versus Tonsillotomy

Eszter Erdélyi, Gréta Csorba, Beáta Kiss-Fekete, Gabriella Fekete-Szabó,Balázs Sztanó,Ágnes Kiricsi, Zita Zákány,Valéria Majoros,Veronika Gaál,Pálma Benedek,László Rovó,Zsolt Bella


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Introduction and objective: Examining operated children in this prostective study inditerscompared (67 pts, 1-12 yrs) the extracapsular tonsillectomy with conventional cold-knife (23 pts) to extracapsular tonsillotomy with micro-debrider (23 pts) and coblator (21 pts) for postoperative pain and wound-healing disorders.Method: The study was based on patient-completed questionnaires as well as prospective clinical data collection.Results: The recovery time of intracapsular tonsillotomy was found less than 50%, with less pain than in the cases of extracapsular tonsillectomy. Postoperative pain was significantly less in the tonsillototomy group than the tonsillectomy group. Within the tonsillotomy group, a significant difference was observed between the two different methods in favor of the coblator for only the postoperative first-day pain. The studies were supplemented with a retrospective review by processing the 4 yrs results of their pediatric (1-15-yrs) patients who underwent tonsillectomy (1487 pts). After tonsillectomy (1253 pts), a postoperative bleeding rate of 7.7% was observed, and surgical hemostasis was required in 1.3%. In the case of tonsillotomy (234 pts), a postoperative bleeding rate of 0.43% was recorded. In this group, reoperation was not performed due to bleeding, whereas it was neccesary in 2 cases due to hypertrophy causing repeated obstruction, in 1 case due by virtue of focal symptomes (1.28%).Conclusion: Our results were analyzed on the basis of international recommendations. Intracapsular tonsillotomy is associated with less pain, less bleeding, and less strain. Active return to the community is possible after up to a week compared to the 3 weeks typical of tonsillectomy, all of which can have significant socioeconomic benefits.
tonsillectomy, tonsillotomy, coblatio, microdebrider
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