Liquid Biopsy In Pediatric Renal Cancer: Stage I And Stage Iv Cases Compared


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Pediatric renal cancer is rare, and robust evidence for treatment recommendations is lacking. In the perspective of personalized medicine, clinicians need new biomarkers to improve risk stratification and patients' follow-up. Herein, we analyzed some liquid biopsy tools, which have been never tested in pediatric renal cancer: namely, circulating tumor cells (CTCs); the expression of M30, an apoptosis marker, to test CTC metastatic potential; and c-MET expression in CTCs, because of its role in renal cancer progression and drug-resistance. Furthermore, we evaluated the Circulating Endothelial Cells (CECs), whose utility we previously demonstrated in adult metastatic renal cancer treated with anti-angiogenic therapy. We compared two renal cell carcinomas of clear-cell type, stage I and IV, which underwent surgery and surgery plus Sunitinib, respectively. Baseline CTC level and its changes during follow-up were consistent with patients' outcome. In case 2, stage IV, the analysis of CECs performed during Sunitinib revealed a late response to treatment consistent with poor outcome, as the finding of M30-negative, viable cells. Noteworthily, few CTCs were MET-positive in both cases. Our study highlights the feasibility for a change in the prognostic approach and follow-up of childhood renal cancer, with a view to guide a better treatment design.
pediatric renal cell carcinoma (RCC),case report,circulating tumor cells (CTCs),circulating endothelial cells (CECs),liquid biopsy
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