Dynamic encoding, a lightweight combined countermeasure against hardware attacks

2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)(2020)

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With the Internet of Things (IoT) an increasing amount of sensitive data have to be communicated and hence encrypted. Low-cost hardware attacks such as fault analysis (FA) or side-channel analysis (SCA) threaten the implementation of cryptographic algorithms. Many countermeasures have been proposed against either of these attacks, however, only a few countermeasures protect efficiently an implementation against both attacks. These combined countermeasures usually have a prohibitive area and power overhead, and require up to thousands of bits of fresh randomness at each encryption. Therefore, they may not be suited to protect lightweight algorithms in resource-constrained devices. In this paper, we propose a new combined countermeasure, which is particularly adapted to protect lightweight algorithms based on shift registers. It achieves an efficient power balancing at algorithmic level, and provides an inherent fault detection with a better coverage than most existing combined countermeasures. Furthermore, it has a smaller power and area overhead than existing combined countermeasures, and requires at most 8 random bits at each encryption.
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