The Italian technical/administrative recommendations for telemedicine in clinical neurophysiology

G. Stipa, F. Gabbrielli, C. Rabbito,V. Di Lazzaro,A. Amantini,A. Grippo, R. Carrai, R. Pasqui, D. Barloscio, D. Olivi,S. Lori


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Recent advances in technology, information technology, Internet networks, and, more recently, fiber optics in industrialized countries allow the exchange of a huge amount of data, in real time, across the globe. The acquisition of increasingly sophisticated technologies has made it possible to develop telemedicine, by which the specialist’s evaluation can be carried out on the patient even remotely. In Italy, this very useful tool, although possible from a technological and information technology point of view, has not been developed because of the lack of clear and univocal rules and of major administrative obstacles related to the Italian Public Health System. To promote telemedicine implementation in Italy, the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology and the Italian Society of Telemedicine together with the National Centre for Telemedicine and New Assistive Technologies of the Italian Higher Institute of Health prepared these inter-society recommendations. Because of potential forensic value of these recommendations, they were prepared considering the current regulations and the General Data Protection Regulation and will provide the basis for a Consensus Conference planned to discuss and prepare National Telemedicine Guidelines.
Telemedicine,Public health,Teleneurophysiology,Remote control,Telemedicine recommendations,Telemedicine guidelines
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