A New Breakfast Brioche Containing Bergamot Fiber Prevents Insulin And Glucose Increase In Healthy Volunteers: A Pilot Study


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BACKGROUND: Despite the abundance of studies on the beneficial effects of a fiber rich diet as well as polyphenols deriving from Citrus fruits on postprandial serum glucose and insulin, clinical evidence on their synergic effects on healthy subjects have never been published. We aimed to investigate the feasibility of a new dietary approach in controlling glucose and insulin response at breakfast time by testing a brioche enriched with wheat bran and bergamot fiber.METHODS: We enrolled 11 healthy volunteers in a cross-over study. Participants consumed a classic brioche at breakfast and our functional brioche, containing wheat bran and bergamot fiber, on another day. Vital functions, biochemical parameters (including glucose and insulin), anthropometric measurements as well as resting energy expenditure and fat oxidation were evaluated before and after the intake of both meals.RESULTS: The mean age was similar to 25 years. The mean BMI was 23.5 kg/m(2). The consumption of the functional brioche reduced the glucose Cmax(0-120 min) by similar to 6% and prevented the insulin increase over time by 30%, finally demonstrating insulin Cmax(0-120 min) and iAUC((0-120 min)) values significantly lower compared to classic brioche (respectively P value =0.04 and 0.03). The stepwise multivariable analysis confirmed the association between the consumption of the functional brioche containing bran and bergamot fiber and glucose Cmax(0-120 min) (B=-0.45; P=0.034), and insulin iAUC((0-120 min)) (B=-764 P=0.036).CONCLUSIONS: The association of wheat bran and bergamot fiber significantly influences glucose metabolism and may exert insulin-like effects on healthy volunteers. If confirmed, berga-brioche would be a useful tool in preventing diabetes and controlling the glycometabolic status of type 2 diabetic patients.
Citrus, Blood glucose, Functional food, Insulin, Bergamot oil
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