Seasonal Variation In The Brain Mu-Opioid Receptor Availability

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2021)

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Seasonal rhythms influence mood and sociability. The brain mu-opioid receptor (MOR) system modulates a multitude of seasonally varying socioemotional functions, but its seasonal variation remains elusive with no previously reported in vivo evidence. Here, we first conducted a cross-sectional study with previously acquired human [C-11]carfentanil PET imaging data (132 male and 72 female healthy subjects) to test whether there is seasonal variation in MOR availability. We then investigated experimentally whether seasonal variation in daylength causally influences brain MOR availability in rats. Rats (six male and three female rats) underwent daylength cycle simulating seasonal changes; control animals (two male and one female rats) were kept under constant daylength. Animals were scanned repeatedly with [C-11]carfentanil PET imaging. Seasonally varying daylength had an inverted U-shaped functional relationship with brain MOR availability in humans. Brain regions sensitive to daylength spanned the socioemotional brain circuits, where MOR availability peaked during spring. In rats, MOR availabilities in the brain neocortex, thalamus, and striatum peaked at intermediate daylength. Varying daylength also affected the weight gain and stress hormone levels. We conclude that cerebral MOR availability in humans and rats shows significant seasonal variation, which is predominately associated with seasonal photoperiodic variation. Given the intimate links between MOR signaling and socioemotional behavior, these results suggest that the MOR system might underlie seasonal variation in human mood and social behavior.
brain, emotion, mu-opioid receptor, neurotransmission, PET, seasonal affective changes
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