Flexible reset and entrainment of delta oscillations in primate primary auditory cortex: modeling and experiment


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Salient auditory stimuli typically exhibit rhythmic temporal patterns. A growing body of evidence suggests that, in primary auditory cortex (A1), attention is associated with entrainment of delta rhythms (1 – 4 Hz) by these auditory stimuli. It is thought that this entrainment involves phase reset of ongoing spontaneous oscillations in A1 by thalamus matrix afferents, but precise mechanisms are unknown. Furthermore, naturalistic stimuli can vary widely in terms of their rhythmicity: some cycles can be longer than others and frequency can drift over time. It is not clear how the auditory system accommodates this natural variability. We show that in rhesus macaque monkey A1 , bottom-up gamma (40 Hz) click trains influence ongoing spontaneous delta rhythms by inducing an initial delta-timescale transient response, followed by entrainment to gamma and suppression of delta. We then construct a computational model to reproduce this effect, showing that transient thalamus matrix activation can reset A1 delta oscillations by directly activating deep (layer 5) IB cells, promoting bursting, and beginning a new delta cycle. In contrast, long duration gamma-rhythmic input stimuli induce a steady-state containing entrainment of superficial RS and FS cells at gamma, and suppression of delta oscillations. This suppression is achieved in the model by two complementary pathways. First, long-duration thalamus matrix input causes IB cells to switch from bursting to sparse firing, which disrupts the IB bursts associated with delta. Second, thalamus core input activates deep FS cells (by way of layer 4), which fire at gamma frequency and actively inhibit the delta oscillator. Together, these two fundamental operations of reset and suppression can respectively advance and delay the phase of the delta oscillator, allowing it to follow rhythms exhibiting the type of variability found in the natural environment. We discuss these findings in relation to functional implications for speech processing.
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