Structural clusters of histone H3 and H4 residues regulate chronological lifespan in Saccharomyces cerevisiae


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All residues exposed on the nucleosome disk face and that cause lifespan extension are known to interact with Sir3. We find that substitution of H4K16 and H4H18 cause Sir3 to redistribute from telomeres and silent mating loci to secondary positions, often enriched for Rap1, Abf1 or Reb1 binding sites, whereas H3E50 does not. The redistribution of Sir3 in the genome can be reproduced by an equilibrium model based on primary and secondary binding sites with different affinities for Sir3. The redistributed Sir3 cause transcriptional repression at most of the new loci, including of genes where null mutants were previously shown to extend chronological lifespan. The transcriptomic profiles of H4K16 and H4H18 mutant strains are very similar, and compatible with a DNA replication stress response. This is distinct from the transcriptomic profile of H3E50, which matches strong induction of oxidative phosphorylation. We propose that the different groups of residues are involved in binding to heterochromatin proteins, in destabilizing the association of the nucleosome DNA, disrupting binding of the H3-H4 dimer in the nucleosome, or disrupting the structural stability of the octamer, each category impacting on chronological lifespan by a different mechanism.
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