Analytical Chemistry Online? Lessons Learned from Transitioning a Project Lab Online Due to COVID 19

Journal of Chemical Education(2020)

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While project laboratories have become a staple in analytical chemistry courses, Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) has forced many universities to adopt an online instruction model, which raises challenges in creating quality content that matches the learning objectives of the course. Here we describe the transition of an inquiry-based project lab from a data-collection-focused experience into a statistical-analysis-driven one using a previously collected data set. Student opinions on the project were collected using a postproject feedback form, and instructors were surveyed for their observations. The major focus of this communication is a discussion of the common successes and challenges found in the staff and student feedback. Although we underestimated the personal struggles of individual students and the communication issues that occurred, overall our reimagination of the project was successful, especially in the adaptation of the course material and the resources developed for student success. For future iterations of this course, all of the lessons learned will be applied to both remote and in-person instruction where possible.
Analytical Chemistry,Inquiry-Based/Discovery Learning,Professional Development
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