Going beyond (electronic) patient-reported outcomes: harnessing the benefits of smart technology and ecological momentary assessment in cancer survivorship research

Supportive Care in Cancer(2020)

引用 18|浏览14
Rapid developments in digital mobile and sensor technology have facilitated the active and passive collection of detailed, personalized data in increasingly affordable ways [1]. Researchers may be familiar with the daily diary, portable computers, or the pedometer for the collection of patient-reported outcomes (PRO) [2] in cancer survivorship research [3]. Such methods, termed ecological momentary assessment (EMA), have evolved with technological advances, e.g., collecting data or providing interventions (ecological momentary intervention, EMI) via apps or devices such as smartphones [4]. These smart technology–adapted sEMA/sEMI methods are more widely used in affective disorders or addictive behavior research [5, 6] but are currently still under-utilized in cancer survivorship research. A recent scoping review on the use of active EMA among cancer survivors identified twelve articles published between 1993 and 2018 [7]. Most of the included studies in that review used portable computers. This commentary will discuss the utility of sEMA/sEMI in cancer survivorship research and call for action to advance this area of science.
Ecological momentary assessment, Cancer survivors, Repeated measures, Patient-reported outcomes, Real-time data
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