New luminous blue variable candidates in the NGC 247 galaxy

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society(2020)

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We search for LBV stars in galaxies outside the Local Group. Here we present a study of two bright $H\\alpha$ sources in the NGC 247 galaxy. Object j004703.27-204708.4 ($M_V=-9.08 \\pm 0.15^m$) shows the spectral lines typical for well-studied LBV stars: broad and bright emission lines of hydrogen and helium He I with P Cyg profiles, emission lines of iron Fe II, silicon Si II, nitrogen N II and carbon C II, forbidden iron [Fe II] and nitrogen [N II] lines. The variability of the object is $\\Delta B = 0.74\\pm0.09^m$ and $\\Delta V = 0.88\\pm0.09^m$, which makes it reliable LBV candidate. The star j004702.18-204739.93 ($M_V=-9.66 \\pm 0.23^m$) shows many emission lines of iron Fe II, forbidden iron lines [Fe II], bright hydrogen lines with broad wings, and also forbidden lines of oxygen [O I] and calcium [Ca II] formed in the circumstellar matter. The study of the light curve of this star also did not reveal significant variations in brightness ($\\Delta V = 0.29\\pm0.09^m$). We obtained estimates of interstellar absorption, the photosphere temperature, as well as bolometric magnitudes $M_\\text{bol}=-10.5^{+0.5}_{-0.4}$ and $M_\\text{bol}=-10.8^{+0.5}_{-0.6}$, which corresponds to bolometric luminosities $\\log(L_\\text{bol}/L_{\\odot})=6.11^{+0.20}_{-0.16}$ and $6.24^{+0.20}_{-0.25}$ for j004703.27-204708.4 and j004702.18-204739.93 respectively. Thus, the object j004703.27-204708.4 remains a reliable LBV candidate, while the object j004702.18-204739.93 can be classified as B[e]-supergiant.
stars: emission-line, Be,stars: massive,stars: variables: S Doradus,galaxies: individual: NGC247
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