Rare earth-saccharide chemistry : Synthesis and characterisation of saccharide complexes of Sm ( III ) ( j 5 )


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During the past decade the coordination chemistry of lanthanides has progressed enormously, where the ligands employed range from simple acycl ic to complex macrocyclic ones 1-4 . As far as the saccharides as ligands are concerned, the studies with the lanthanides are extended only up to their interactions in solution. The solution studies in thi s context have primarily utili zed NMR techniques.. While the transition metal saccharide chemistry has been very well focu sed in the recent years, that of the lanthanides is still in its early stage. In view of the chemical, biological and industrial importance of saccharides, we have been motivated to address the saccharide chemistry of lanthanides as well. In continuation with our on-going efforts in developing metal-saccharide chemistry in general and rare-earth metal ion-saccharide chemistry in particularS, th is paper deals wi th the synthesis and characterizat ion of Sm(III), Eu(III) and Dy(llI ) complexes with different monoand disaccharides.
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