An Investigation The Relationship Between Quality Of Work Life And Social Capital ( A Case Study : Staff Of Mehr-E-Eghtesad Bank , Markazi Province )

Hojjat Taheri Goodarzi, MohamadReza JaberAnsari, Reza Azadi


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Philosophy of an organization’s existence highly relies on human life. It is human beings, indeed, who blow soul into the body of an organization, make it start moving and actually manage it. Part of a given organization’s efficiency and productivity depends on its people, and that is why their work quality leaves a direct impact on that organization’s performance. Work life quality serves as a multidimensional dynamic construct which brings under its umbrella body such concepts as job security, prize system and opportunities for promotion, learning and participation in decision making. This study intended to conduct an investigation into the relationship between the quality of work life and social capital. This study is deemed in terms of its objective an applied study and of its data collection method a descriptive-survey research. Its statistical population was composed of Mehr-e-Eghtesad Bank’s staff of Markazi Province. A total of 112 people constituted the statistical sample of this study who were selected by random sampling method in order for the researcher to test the research hypotheses. Data was collected by means of a standardized questionnaire and then analyzed via a correlation analysis. The results obtained suggest a significant relationship between work life quality and social capital.
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