Thoracic Track Abstracts

Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery(2011)

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Yong Soo Choi, Joon Suk Park, Young Sam Kim, Jong Ho Cho. Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea. Objective: Sleeve lobectomy by VATS is still challenging. I would like to show the technique and approach for bronchial sleeve resection which could be easily reproducible even by beginners. Methods: Forty-eight year old man had an endobronchial tumor at the orifice of the left lower lobar bronchus. Lobectomy with bronchial sleeve resection was planned by VATS. Two ports (5 mm at 4th mid-axillary intercostal space, 12 mm at 7th mid-axillary intercostal space) and one utility incision (5 cm long at 5th mid-axillary intercostal space) without rib spreading. Results: Left lower lobectomy was successfully performed by VATS. Bronchial sleeve resection with negative margin and mediastinal node dissection were also done by VATS. The tumor was a mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Conclusions: Bronchial sleeve resection is feasible by VATS if provided proper approach and technique.
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