Exploiting multiple languages and resources jointly for high-quality Word Sense Disambiguation and Entity Linking


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Definitional knowledge has proved to be essential in various Natural Language Processing tasks and applications, especially when information at the level of word senses is exploited. However, the few sense-annotated corpora of textual definitions available to date are of limited size: this is mainly due to the expensive and time-consuming process of annotating a wide variety of word senses and entity mentions at a reasonably high scale. In this paper we present SENSEDEFS, a large-scale high-quality corpus of disambiguated definitions (or glosses) in multiple languages, comprising sense annotations of both concepts and named entities from a wide-coverage unified sense inventory. Our approach for the construction and disambiguation of this corpus builds upon the structure of a large multilingual semantic network and a state-of-the-art disambiguation system: first, we gather The work of Jose Camacho-Collados, Claudio Delli Bovi and Alessandro Raganato was mainly done at Sapienza University of Rome. http://lcl.uniroma1.it/sensedefs. & Jose Camacho-Collados camachocolladosj@cardiff.ac.uk Claudio Delli Bovi boviclau@amazon.com Alessandro Raganato alessandro.raganato@helsinki.fi Roberto Navigli navigli@di.uniroma1.it 1 Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK 2 Amazon.com, Inc., Turin, Italy 3 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland 4 Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy 123 Lang Resources & Evaluation (2019) 53:251–278 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10579-018-9421-3
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