’ s response to reviews Title : Wasted research when systematic reviews fail to provide a complete and upto-date evidence synthesis : the example of lung cancer


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Thank you for the opportunity to resubmit our manuscript for further consideration by BMC Medicine. We thank the reviewers and yourself for your comments. We believe that we have been able to address each of the comments raised, and include a detailed point-by-point response below. In particular, as recommended by the reviewer to strengthen the paper, we have expanded the discussion to elaborate on the methodological steps of live cumulative network meta-analysis, to address the challenges raised by the proposed novel methodology and some potential solutions; we incorporated a table and a figure for more clarity. You will find enclosed a revised version of our manuscript incorporating all of the changes. We include 2 copies of the new version of the manuscript (clean version and version with changes tracked). Thank you for your further consideration of our manuscript that we hope is now acceptable for publication in BMC Medicine.
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