Abnormal Returns from the Common Stock Investments of the US Senate

Andrew J Taylor, Jack Abramoff, Alan I Abramowitz, Jeffrey A Segal, Richard M Abrams, Henry F Graff,Bruce Ackerman, John Adams, E Scott Adler, Michael Ensley, John Wilkerson, E Scott Adler, Chariti E Gent, Cary B Overmeyer,Alicia Adsera,Carles Boix, Mark Payne,Sunil Ahuja, Scott H Ainsworth, Frances Akins, John H Aldrich, Mark M Berger, David W Rohde,David W Brady, Mathew D McCubbins, John H Aldrich, David W Rohde, John H Aldrich, David W Rohde, Lawrence C Dodd, Bruce I Oppenheimer, Jonathan Allen, Akhil Reed Amar, Barry Ames, Marcia Angell,Stephen Ansolabehere,David Brady,Morris Fiorina,Stephen Ansolabehere, Phillip Edward Jones,Stephen Ansolabehere, Phillip Edward Jones,Eric Schickler, Frances E Lee, Sarah F Anzia, Molly J Cohn, TA Sinclair, Herbert B Asher, Cary M Atlas, Robert J Hendershott, Mark A Zupan, James M Avery, Jeffrey A Fine, Julia R Azari, Jennifer K Smith, John B Bader, Joseph Bafumi, Michael Herron, Michael A Bailey, Forrest Maltzman, Ross K Baker, Steven J Balla, Eric D Lawrence, Forrest Maltzman,Lee Sigelman, Susan A Banducci, Todd Donovan, Jeffrey A Karp, John M Barry,Larry M Bartels, Matthew N Beckmann, Jeremy Bentham, Michael Berkman, William C Berman, Carl Bernstein,Bob Woodward, Christopher R Berry, Barry C Burden, William G Howell, Joseph M Bessette, Dennis Hale, Joseph M Bessette, Heinrich Best, Maurizio Cotta, Richard S Beth, Valerie Heitshusen, Bill Heniff Jr, Elizabeth Rybicki, William T Bianco, Kenneth N Bickers, Robert M Stein, Kenneth N Bickers, Robert M Stein, Kenneth N Bickers, Robert M Stein, Steve Bickerstaff, Sarah A Binder, Anthony J Madonna, Steven S Smith, Sarah Binder, Forrest Maltzman, Sarah A Binder, Steven S Smith, Nathaniel A Birkhead, Gabriel Uriate, William T Bianco, Benjamin G Bishin, Bill Bishop, Duncan Black, Alan Bloom, Sidney Blumenthal, Robert G Boatright, Lawrence Bobo, Franklin D Gilliam Jr, Frederick J Boehmke, Sean Gailmard, John W Patty, Richard W Bolling, Gregory Bovitz, Jamie Carson, Jennifer Drage Bowser, Gary Moncrief, Bruce Cain, R Niemi, K Kurtz, Barbara Boxer, Nicole Boxer, Richard T Boylan, Lori Schultz Bressman, Ethan Bronner, George Rothwell Brown,Robert D Brown, James A Woods, W Elliot Brownlee, Roger A Bruns, David L Hostetter, Raymond W Smock, Erik P Bucy, Maria Elizabeth Grabe, Charles S Bullock III, Barry C Burden

Congress: A Performance Appraisal(2013)

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This chapter constitutes an effort to offer appraisal in an objective fashion. It constructs a series of benchmarks for Congress to meet. These benchmarks were built from a number of basic aspirations for congressional performance found in normative political theory and the thinking of Americans, particularly influential ones like the Founders. A large number of citizens still think of themselves as politically independent. Political activists watch different cable news stations—Republicans tend to like Fox, Democrats CNN. The news often frames political developments in threatening ways with profound effects on public attitudes. In the political world this is demonstrated by the constant shrinking of the news sound bite—a chunk of television or radio time allotted to the coverage of a candidate explaining her policy positions. Congress is also a transparent and responsive legislature in a media-saturated, robust …
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