Does lowering of cholesterol with cholestyramine decrease the incidence of hypertension in hypercholesterolaemic men.

Kamran Tassaduqe,Muhammad Ali,Abdus Salam,Muhammad Latif,Nazish Afroze, Samra Masood,Soban Umar, A Rodgers, S MacMahon, LM Gerber, PM Stern, R Christopher, W Edwards, D Bauchier, C Mhurchu, A Rodgers, S MacMahons, FA Petersdar, I Braunwald, KJ Stamler, D Wentworth,JD Neaton, WP Castelli, K Anderson,AA Meltzer, WH Mueller, JF Annegers, B Grimes, DL Aleright, J Jordan,JR Shannon, B Pohar, SY Paranjape, D Robertson,RM Robertson, I Biaggioni, C Tzourio, C Dufouil, P Ducimentiere, A Alperovitch, EH Ahrens,WB Kannel, ID Neaton, D Wentorth, GA Bray, G Assmann, H Schulte, RH Fagard, RR Williams, R Collins,R Peto, S MacMahon, Z Haider, SM Graundy, L Wilhelmson, G Rose, PD Henry, J Piper, R Reaven, P Hoffmann, MM Fuh, SM Sheieh, DA Wu,YDI Chen, GM Reaven, I Njolstad, E Arnesen, GP LundLarsen, AC Guyton,JE Hall, LG Ekelund, RP Macmahon, FS Whaley, EH Corder, CL Rubenstein

Journal of Medical Sciences(1999)

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The present study was carried out to assess hypertension in relation to obesity, smoking stress, family history, age and marital status among human population of Multan, Pakistan. The present data was collected randomly from the male population aging from 16 to 85 years. The male population was divided into three age groups i.e old male (age above 50 years), mature male (age 31 to 50 years) and young male (age 16 to 30 years). The study revealed that there was a strong relationship between hypertension and obesity in all age groups. Hypertensive patients had association with age, smoking, stress, family history and marital status. When comparison was made between mild, moderate and severe hypertensive patients, it was found that old married males were suffering from severe hypertension. Family history of hypertension and myocardial infarction also had a strong association with hypertension. The …
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