Chandra View Of The Liner-Type Nucleus In The Radio-Loud Galaxy Cgcg 292-057: Ionized Iron Line And Jet-Ism Interactions


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We present an analysis of the new, deep (94 ksec) Chandra ACIS-S observation of radio-loud active galaxy CGCG 292-057, characterized by a LINER-type nucleus and a complex radio structure that indicates intermittent jet activity. On the scale of the host galaxy bulge, we detected excess X-ray emission with a spectrum best fit by a thermal plasma model with a temperature of similar to 0.8 keV. We argue that this excess emission results from compression and heating of the hot diffuse fraction of the interstellar medium displaced by the expanding inner, similar to 20 kpc-scale lobes observed in this restarted radio galaxy. The nuclear X-ray spectrum of the target clearly displays an ionized iron line at similar to 6.7 keV, and is best fitted with a phenomenological model consisting of a power-law (photon index 1.8) continuum absorbed by a relatively large amount of cold matter (hydrogen column density 0.7 x 10(23) cm(-2)), and partly scattered (fraction similar to 3%) by ionized gas, giving rise to a soft excess component and K alpha line from iron ions. We demonstrate that the observed X-ray spectrum, particularly the equivalent width of Fe XXV K alpha (of order 0.3 keV) can in principle, be explained in a scenario involving a Compton-thin gas located at the scale of the broad-lined region in this source and photoionized by nuclear illumination. We compare the general spectral properties of the CGCG 292-057 nucleus, with those of other nearby LINERs studied in X-rays.
X-ray active galactic nuclei, Low-luminosity active galactic nuclei, Active galaxies, Relativistic jets, Intergalactic medium, LINER galaxies, Radio galaxies
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