PRP8A and PRP8B spliceosome subunits act co-ordinately to control pollen tube attraction in Arabidopsis.

Development (Cambridge, England)(2020)

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Precise guided pollen tube growth by the female gametophyte is a pre-requisite for successful sexual reproduction in flowering plants. Cysteine-rich proteins (CRPs) secreted from the embryo sac are known pollen tube attractants perceived by pollen tube receptor-like kinases (RLK's). How pre-mRNA splicing facilitates this cell-to-cell communication is not understood. Here, we report novel function of Pre-mRNA PROCESSING factor 8 paralogs, PRP8A and PRP8B, as regulators of pollen tube attraction. Double mutant prp8a prp8b ovules cannot attract pollen tubes, and prp8a prp8b pollen tubes fail in sensing ovules attraction signals. Only 3% of ovule-expressed genes were misregulated in prp8a prp8b. Combination of RNA-seq and MYB98/LURE1.2-YFP reporter revealed the expression of MYB98, LUREs and 49 other CRPs were downregulated suggesting loss of synergid cell fate. Differential Exon usage (DEU) and Intron-retention (IR) analysis revealed autoregulation of PPR8A/PRP8B splicing. In vivo, PRP8A coimmunoprecipitates with splicing enhancer AtSF3A1, suggesting involvement of PRP8A in 3'-splice site selection. Our data hint that PRP8A/PRP8B module exhibit spliceosome-autoregulation to facilitate pollen tube attraction via transcriptional regulation of MYB98, CRPs and LURE pollen tube attractants.
Cell-cell signalling,Cysteine-rich proteins,Pollen tube attraction and reception,Post-transcriptional regulation,Pre-mRNA PROCESSING factor 8,Sexual reproduction,Splicing
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