Multi-Scale Dynamic Graph Convolution Network For Point Clouds Classification


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Point clouds provide an efficient way for 3D geometric object representation. In order to deal with the classification and segmentation of point cloud, it is very important to design an efficient and intelligent model that can directly affect point cloud. Due to the irregularity of the data format, traditional convolutional neural networks cannot be applied to point clouds processing directly. Graph convolution network (GCN) has attracted more and more attention in recent years, especially in the field of non-Euclidean data processing. Point clouds processing with GCN models is an efficient and suitable method, a lot of GCN models have achieved state-of-the-art performance on irregular data processing challenges. In this paper, we propose a Multi-scale Dynamic GCN model for point clouds classification, a Farthest Point Sampling method is applied in our model firstly to efficiently cover the entire point set, it uses different scale k-NN group method to locate on k nearest neighborhood for each central node, Edge Convolution (EdgeConv) operation is used to extract and aggregate local features between neighbor connected nodes and central node. We use ModelNet40, ModelNet10 and ShapeNet part dataset to classify point clouds and segment them semantically. Experiments show that our model achieves a better performance on classification accuracy and model complexity than other state-of-the-art models.
Point clouds, farthest point sampling, k-NN group, graph convolutional neural networks
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