Leakage Compositional Changes Accompanying to exposure of some Mango Cultivars to Low Temperature under Field Conditions

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences(2020)

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Under invivo conditions (ambient-air temperature), the relationship between low temperature stress and the response of some different mango cultivars was monitored. Some biochemical events that occur following cold exposure of mango trees leaves were detected to evaluate their ability to acquire cold injury during exposure to low temperature. The cultivars of Alphonso, Baladi, Bullock's Heart, Helmand, Hindi Besennara, Mabrouka, Mestekawy, Nabeeh, Oweisi, Spates, Taimour and Zebda which grown in private orchard in Fayoum Governorate, Egypt were selected to verify this aim. This study was carried out during the period from November to March of during years; 2012 and 2013. The following results were stated: the detected leaf compositional changes were significantly differed among the tested cultivars and sampling times. In this respect, electrolytes (%), Na+, K+, inorganic phosphate (Pi), Ca2+, total soluble sugars (TSS) and total free amino acids (TFAA) concentrations were detected in leachate of fresh leaves and showed significant differences in response to the cultivars and sampling times. However, in this study, Alphonso, Bullock's Heart, Helmand, Taimour and Zebda cultivars of mango had the best result in their cold tolerance under the conditions of this study, which is not exactly in consistent with what the researcher found.
mango cultivars,leakage compositional changes,low temperature
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