Event Related Potentials (ERPs) and other EEG Based Methods for Extracting Biomarkers of Brain Dysfunction: Examples from Pediatric Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).


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Neuropsychiatric diagnoses like ADHD are based on subjective methods like interviews, rating scales and observations. There is a need for more brain-based supplements. Stimulant medication is the most common treatment for ADHD. Clinically useful predictors of response have so far not been reported. The aim of this paper is to describe the EEG based methods we apply to extract potential biomarkers for brain dysfunction. Examples relate to biomarkers for pediatric ADHD, and prediction of medication response. The main emphasis is on Event Related Potentials (ERPs). A nineteen channel EEG is recorded during a 3 min eyes-opened task, a 3 min eyes-closed task, and a 20 min cued visual GO/NOGO task (VCPT). ERPs are recorded during this task. The goal of the ERP protocol is to extract biomarkers of assumed brain dysfunctions that significantly differentiate between a patient group and healthy controls. The protocol includes recording during standard conditions and artifact correction. ERP waves can be used or transformed into latent components. The components of the patient group are compared with controls, empathizing components that, when compared, show relatively high effect sizes. Sub-groups of the patients are selected on the basis of the cluster analysis in the space of the components. Treatment procedure (such as medication, tDCS or neurofeedback protocol) can be applied and the changes in components related to treatment in the subgroups are observed, forming the basis for clinical recommendations. The methods described were applied in a study of 87 pediatric ADHD patients. The index of medication response discriminated significantly between responders and non-responders with a large, and clinically meaningful effect size (d = 1.84). In an ongoing study comparing ADHD children with matched controls, several variables discriminate significantly between patients and controls. The global index will exceed d =.8. The EEG based methods described here could be clinically meaningful.
Neuroscience,Issue 157,biomarker,predictions,event-related potentials,latent components,cued GO/NOGO task,Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
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