[Active cardiac implantable electronic devices: What is possible in ambulatory health care in 2017?]

Herzschrittmachertherapie & Elektrophysiologie(2017)

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Telemonitoring (TM) features are implemented in nearly all cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) that have recently been released to the market. In combination with pacemakers, defibrillators and systems for cardiac resynchronization it is a safe and efficient method for routine technical aftercare of the devices as well as for monitoring heart failure and arrhythmias. Using TM has the potential to optimize patient care with regard to economic, clinical and safety aspects. Despite the good availability of existing data and clear recommendations of the responsible scientific societies, it is often seen as an isolated solution which is not fully integrated into standard care, although it has its own EBM number for implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and cardiac resynchronization therapy systems. The reasons are not only the unsatisfactory reimbursement of costs, different IT structures and the borders between clinics and medical practices, but also acceptance problems of physicians and legal aspects. The compensation of cardiac pacemakers and 'event recorders' is unsolved. TM provides the prospect for optimal and cross-sectoral patient care. Furthermore it has the potential to become the standard method for the care for patients with a CIED.
Arrhythmias,Devices,Remote follow-up,Telemedicine,Telemonitoring
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