Future ocean temperature impacting the survival prospects of post-larval spiny lobsters

Marine Environmental Research(2020)

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Spiny lobster post-larvae undertake an extensive migration from the open ocean to the coast, during which time their swimming is fueled solely by energy reserves accumulated through their preceding larval phase. We assessed the influence of future ocean temperatures on the swimming behavior and energy use of migrating post-larvae of Sagmariasus verreauxi, by experimentally swimming post-larvae for up to 6 days at three temperatures and measuring the lipid and protein used, and observing their time spent actively swimming. Increasing the temperature from 17 °C to 23 °C doubled the energy utilized by post-larvae while swimming, while also reducing the time they spent swimming by three times. Therefore, increasing ocean temperatures appear to greatly affect the energetic cost and efficiency of shoreward migration of post-larvae in this lobster species, with the potential to markedly impact post-larval recruitment into coastal populations under future scenarios of ocean warming.
Lobster recruitment,Ocean warming response,Pueruli energetics,Pueruli migration,Swimming behavior,Thermal tolerance
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